
Nginx 环境

小于 1 分钟

Nginx 环境


nginx-1.22.1.zip: https://nginx.org/en/download.htmlopen in new window

2 启动

nginx for Windowsopen in new window

cd c:\
unzip nginx-1.23.3.zip
cd nginx-1.23.3
start nginx

# fast shutdown
nginx -s stop
# graceful shutdown
nginx -s quit
# changing configuration, starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes
nginx -s reload
# re-opening log files
nginx -s reopen

3 PKI 证书安装


# 解压
unzip cert.zip
# 安装证书(需密码)
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nodes -out server.pem
# 私钥
openssl rsa -in server.pem -out server.key
# 公钥
openssl x509 -in server.pem -out server.crt

windows (git bash)

# 解压
unzip cert.zip
# 安装证书(需密码)
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nodes -out server.pem -password pass:"证书密码"
# 私钥
openssl rsa -in server.pem -out server.key
# 公钥
openssl x509 -in server.pem -out server.crt


server {
    listen 80;
    server_name xxx.com

server {
    listen 443;
    server_name xxx.com;
    ssl_certificate server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key server.key;
